Monday, December 29, 2008

Raw Vegan Day 4

I was so down yesterday. I am not seeing any results. Bah I'm sad. Then I have to remind myself that it has only been 4 days. 4 FREAKING DAYS. Ugh smh, what is wrong with me. (I did lose 2 pounds) Yay!!, this week I am going to start doing my morning walks again. I usually walk 2 miles in the morning.

Ugh the Tuna and Chickpattie (veggie) I ate made me feel so bad.

I also did a fast from 6:45 am to 6:45pm, and i paid the price, I had terrible pain this morning. Every time I fast this happens, so I'm not going to water fast anymore.

On another note, I don't like green juice, YUCK!!!!!!!. I will like to do a Juice feast with fruit juice.

Banana and grapes

spinach & Kale

Green Smoothie

1 comment:

  1. Are following a certain plan or just eating raw vegan by yourself?
