Tuesday, June 29, 2010

UMMM Starting over

I have fell of the wagon and the wagon rolled over my body, my intoxicated body. I am currently at 282 smh, all that work last year to end up close to where I started. I believe I got comfortable, and now that I am in a wonderful happy amazing relationship, I do not want to get comfortable. Once that starts its an ugly fall down into the bottomless pit of unhealthy lifestyles. I think that once your happy, and a person says they love you just the way you are, How perfect you seem, that's the frame of mind that will allow you to end up weighing 600 pounds and unhappiness.

Start my Raw Food Life Style again
Become Motivated and STAY motivated
Finally shed this security blanket,this is the last year.
Be comfortable in my own skin
Life a healthy lifestyle