Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Raw Day 6

Today is good. I didnt wake uo or go to sleep with that annoying headache like I did before. I changed my Title today because I had fish today. I am trying different styles out so I know whats right for me.

2 Banana

A lil Saltfish with Kale and Spinach Salad


Tuna and avacado
Kale and Olives

Since I didnt go on my walk to day (I have been really lazy) I am going to start tomorrow morning.

A new Year is here my friends.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Raw Vegan Day 5

Hello. (^_^)

I am feeling great today, the headaches have stopped and my cravings for chocolate and sweet things have almost disappeared. I'm doing good. I am not missing cooked food so that hasn't been hard for me. I thought that I would miss cheese and pasta and stuff, but I;m not feeling that lost.
I am going back and forth between 100% raw and 90%. Occasionally, I would want to eat a chick patty, but I only ate that one time during these 5 days. I am not as hungry as I use to be on a vegetarian diet, I eat when I want to eat and I let my body decide when I am full or not. When I ate bread and pasta and rice, I would overeat for no reason. Now i would eat about two pieces of fruit and feel fine.

Another thing I noticed is that I am "grazing" more, what I mean is I would go look for something to eat and eat less that a handful. For example I would get raisins and eat like 10-15 raisins and feel satisfied.

I think going raw for these 5 days has allowed me to focus on what my body is telling me. Instead of just shoveling food in my mouth. Some times I would get depressed and think that things aren't going as fast as I would like them too, but then I have to realize that I didn't gain weight in 5 days it took years. And for me to get healthy again it may take a couple of years.


Kale , Spinach, and carrot salad with a chick patty.


Grated Cumcumber ( crushed peppers *hot* lime juice and black peper)with olives. This was sooooooooo good ^_^

Monday, December 29, 2008

Raw Vegan Day 4

I was so down yesterday. I am not seeing any results. Bah I'm sad. Then I have to remind myself that it has only been 4 days. 4 FREAKING DAYS. Ugh smh, what is wrong with me. (I did lose 2 pounds) Yay!!, this week I am going to start doing my morning walks again. I usually walk 2 miles in the morning.

Ugh the Tuna and Chickpattie (veggie) I ate made me feel so bad.

I also did a fast from 6:45 am to 6:45pm, and i paid the price, I had terrible pain this morning. Every time I fast this happens, so I'm not going to water fast anymore.

On another note, I don't like green juice, YUCK!!!!!!!. I will like to do a Juice feast with fruit juice.

Banana and grapes

spinach & Kale

Green Smoothie

Raw Vegan Day 3

Dec 28,2008

Well today I did a fast and I had a MAJOR headache.
I woke up at 6:45am and I just went back to sleep until 10:00am.
I was tempted to eat something but I didn't. The thing My mom went out and bought more fruits and veggies for me , along with some cookies (they weren't for me). I kept strong yea.

I decided to chew a piece of gum because My head was pounding. It worked and I am feeling better now. I don't see much physical changes but I do feel better.

I ate at 6:45 and had some spinach , cucumber , hummus and Tuna (gasp! oh no she didn't) Yea I did. I was feeling for some tuna. so shoot me. Anywho back too Raw Veganism tomorrow. This was the only meal I had today.

Raw Vegan Day 2

Dec 27,2008
So Its day 2 and I am fine. I was a little tired today, but maybe I'm not drinking enough water.

Anywho yesterday I cheated..shame on me. I had a piece of chocolate. And today I was craving chocolate like crazy. There was an internal conversation "Its only a little bit of chocolate" . No don't eat it, its not worth it. Ahhh come on whats one piece of chocolate going to do? Just stop ok, you dont want any chocolate, do you know how much sugar is in that. SMH

But I did not eat that piece of chocolate today. SO HAHA I WIN!!!!

I really didnt have the urge to eat today, but I did anyway. I checked my Calorie intake today and it was around 500 but I wasnt hungry and I ate a lot. Yesterday my Calorie intake was 702.
I am not feeling hungry on such a low cal intake but I think i should probably make sure that I get atleast 1000 cals a day.

I think Tomorrow I'll do a one day water fast. I'm just not feeling to eat.

Green Smoothie

Pistachios and rasins

Homemade Hummus

Hummus & Salad


Raw Vegan Day 1

Dec 26,2008

Today I started a new and improved lifestyle, I am 100% a raw vegan. Which means I do not eat any cooked foods, I do not drink any soda or processed juice, and all my food is living. Today was day one, and so far so good. I do have to admit I am having cravings for sweet things like the chocolate cookies in my cupboard, and the rum cake on my table. But I stayed strong.

Green Smoothie

Sunflower seed

Chick Peas paste
Apple slices


Green Smoothie
Water Crest (i think that's whats its called)

So far so good.

Oh yea, Seven Pounds is sooooo sad. :( , but it is a good movie.